Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Making it from script to screen and beyond in the Bahamas Film Industry

New development deals by
Megavision Pictures

Megavision Pictures has entered development deals with 15 box-office entrepreneurs in the Bahamas who are embracing a limited open window to take their story from manuscript to big screen. The major challenge among many is to make the transition to full time careers by the end of the year.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Jefford Curre's pioneering start of the Bahamas Movie Industry continues to inspire filmmakers everywhere.


Why is Jefford Curre’s “Paradise Intrigue” the most anticipated, if not the most important movie of the Bahamas new number one industry?  

Before the making of “Paradise Intrigue”, the elusive Jefford Curre’ was the Bahamas’ best kept secret, now the whole world is on to them. Like a “Bond style” bounty hunter, running real life intervention missions for the Bahamas government, Jefford Curre’ lived a rather dangerous life. As an English trained specialist, attached to the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, he spent more than 5-1/2 years at the center of non-stop classified action, (don’t bother looking up government files, on an official level he never really existed). However, our research interviews among the command infrastructure, clearly confirmed his presence on the scene. Jefford Curre,’ apparently possessed unique leadership skills while operating at the forefront of what is perhaps one of the world’s most dangerous jobs.

Was it business wizardry, visionary faith or just plain luck that prompted the invention of the Bahamas Movie Industry? These are some of the challenging questions that a team of indigenous researchers are attempting to answer, in the new Jefford Curre’ documentary, by Anafu Pictures. In 1990, after completing his first international tour, Jefford Curre’ was inspired toward a new assignment of a higher order. Wasting no time,he began putting into place the fuel that would enable him to start a fire. A fire that soon became a forest blaze of vision, which progressed into the Bahamas' new number one industry. In 1991 he established Megavision Pictures,(the Bahamas first movie company)in Guanahani Village on Cable Beach, Bahamas. With a small team of dedicated specialists, (development unit 1) his first order of business was to conduct feasibility studies. After overcoming huge pioneering obstacles, he completed development research, with sufficient data to justify the mission toward the creation of a new industry for the Bahamas.

By the Spring of 1994, with savvy negotiations and the assistance of visionary resort operators, the young pioneering entrepreneur moved his office onto Paradise Island and incorporated Megavision Pictures Ltd. Within the first three months he attracted over $27,000,000 in investment interest; along with several dozen projects and film industry related companies, developing under the company’s umbrella. This sparked the official launch of the Bahamas Movie Industry. The indigenous event highlighted that year’s Chamber of Commerce Week, as he officially kicked-off the launch of “PARADISE INTRIGUE” (the Bahamas first movie). It was a summer one could never forget. It was the biggest movie buzz anyone had ever seen on the local scene. Jefford Curre’s Paradise Island, condo took on the atmosphere of a busy Grand Central terminal, an endless stampede of wannabe movie makers, as well as professionals, seeking career change, all aligned themselves to be an important part of the nation’s history. It created (production unit 2) which compromised of almost 4,000 individuals. Many flew in from destinations as far as Europe, Asia, United States, South America and Canada.
Story continues in Stars In Paradise Magazine:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jefford Curre', at the forefront, in command and setting new challenges for the Bahamas movie industry.

Jefford Curre' the Bahamas leading man of action is taking no prisoners. He's closing multi-million dollar deals, that's taking the Bahamas movie industry to the next level.

Happy in his role as an extremely successful artist, Jefford Curre’ is trying his best not to be an activist or a motivator of any kind. However, his uncontestable lead role in the pioneering of the Bahamas Film Industry, makes this very difficult. His pioneering actions, are constantly celebrated as one of the most admired, when it comes to visionary community leadership. Community leaders around the globe have made “The Jefford Curre’ Story” a part of their most reliable studies for motivating people to work against the odds. “It was an awakening”, said one clergyman, comparing Jefford Curre’ to a young Moses, calling him a leader sent by God to lead his people into a new world of box-office excitement. “His bold act”, continued the charismatic clergyman, “Instantly shifted the focus of a people, mentally trapped, in the success of the tourist trade. It sparked a journey toward a brand new number one industry. An industry that would be well within the control of the people of the Bahamas.”

A former Paradise Intrigue production member, who now works as an executive in a highly classified department of government, expressed his concerns for artistic integrity within the Bahamas new number one industry. In an off camera interview he indicated that the rapid rise of newcomers and the elusive high security profile of Jefford Curre’, could by some degree leave room for confusion. There are still a few who may be ignorant of the natural history of the Bahamas indigenous film industry or the Bahamas’ first movie, “Paradise Intrigue”. “For what it is worth, it appears that Jefford Curre’s indigenous pioneering position, is one of the most sought after in the entire industry. It seems that almost every new comer takes the opportunity to enjoy at least 15 minutes of fame, being mistaken as the one that started it all. It’s almost bordering on comedy. We have seen campaign after campaign fall flat on its face. Even with the most expensive well planned attempts, it has proven to be an extremely difficult historical position to steal. I believe there are very good reasons for this. Jefford Curre’ is not only a hard act to follow, his achievements are documented well ahead of the crowd. There is no way to over look, erase or pretend they never took place".

Story continues in Stars In Paradise Magazine article excerpt on:

Hot chicks and tough guys are flocking the curse-free, drug-free Bahamas movie set.

The Bahamas film industry has evolved as a royal culture of fun, frolic and discipline while making millions and attracting only the best from around the world.
Have you ever felt the urge to just drop everything and start living the life you know you were born to live? Well you are not alone and it may well be a clear sign that you may be forcing yourself to operate out of your element. It may simply not be your calling. Are you an entrepreneur, student, writer or career changing professional? Are you seriously looking for an opportunity to lighten up, reduce the mundane stress factor and have more fun while making a living? THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Keep it simple, fulfilling and profitable. If you are not in the mood for smoking, cursing, drinking, doing drugs and you don’t mind training with some of the hottest chicks and the coolest guys on the planet, we invite you to send in your resume or an introductory letter. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are or what you are doing. If you are ready to make a change, we would love to hear from you. There is a catch, you must be open for training or flexible enough to be re-trained into our success proven way of box-office career development. - starsinparadise.com

Filmmaking tips from the Bahamas Film Industry

Making your film a reality

If money is no object and you are well established you can make any kind of movie on any subject matter and you can do it on any continent.
if you are just starting out, the best way to make your film a reality without spending a lot of money is to:
1. Base it around the things that you already have.
2.The environment you are in
3.The people around you.
For example, don’t try writing a screenplay that has to take place aboard a speeding yacht, unless you own one or can afford to rent or buy one. If you don’t even know a friend who owns one, the film will never happen.
First, visualize your movie inside your head, shot by shot, cut by cut. Draw out those shots on a storyboard. Next, you’ll need equipment, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on a camera. Just ask a friend or someone you know that has a camera, to borrow their own. Some film schools and civic organizations offer year round training that includes equipment. Finally, there’s post-production. When you have finished shooting your movie, you need to find a good processor to develop your film. Sometimes they give discount rates to students or low – budget productions. Lastly, you will need to edit. After it’s changed to video format you can use a video editing system like: Final cut pro or Avid to do your editing.- starsinparadise.com

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Beyond festivals, Film Financing In The Bahamas Film Industry

Continuing the conversation on "Positioning Yourself For Money" from January 30th 2013. Focusing on the importance of trust and mentor-ship in the Bahamas movie and television industry.

 Now lets continue on. Covenant partners mentor-ship is an ancient bonding technique used to guarantee generation success.   It’s more like an insurance program bonded by spiritual connection or a sincerely deep level of commitment.  It has been said that to enter and pull out of such a bond,  brings a curse on the life of the faint-hearted, and  to stay faithful to the covenant, brings enormous prosperity. Well that is what they say, but each of us in the entertainment business can decide whether to believe it or not.

Stars In Paradise would like to point out that  studio executives are approached every day and at any given time,  by highly qualified people, with a variety of propositions and proposals.  Being highly qualified sometimes has its drawbacks, especially when the executives are in the market for teachable individuals who can execute new innovations.  Being  qualified and set in the ways of previous training sometimes don't fit the demands.  This is because qualification usually comes with an attitude that says  "I know what to do, let me do this thing better, give me the job and back off until pay day".  Sometimes it is quite true that the individual may have a lot to offer, but if your attitude lacks humility and show clear signs that you are not teachable when it comes to another way of  achieving the same thing, you won’t get in.  

 There is very little an individual can do to change qualifications earned over long years of study and hard work, but there is a lot one can do to change an attitude that’s slowing them down.  First,  you must put yourself in the other person’s shoe.  If an individual has built an interesting empire, they have done it by doing things a certain way.  It has worked for them and has helped them progress consistently.  Asking them to adapt to your way, which is yet to be proven beneficial is .......to be continued... - starsinparadise.com

Friday, May 10, 2013

Bahamas movie industry. A worldwide thing.


The expansion of Megavision Pictures and the rise of the Bahamas film industry.

Megavision Pictures has succeeded in  improving the entry level protocol for  box-office entrepreneurs. They have successfully engineered a  level playing field that has positioned them to capitalize on the acquisition of key game changing infrastructures.  With an open door invitation to more than 48 countries, Megavision Pictures industry power players could aggressively lead private sector funding of programs and initiatives that works well with local government, and the growing needs of  box-office entrepreneurs.   

  Out of 86 proposals received over the past 24 months, only 20 have reached a point of consideration.  Even fewer will make it to the finish line.  All proposals are vigorously discussed and debated by Megavision Pictures review division.  The grinding principle in their  decision making process is to determine a core champion excellence that the company can support in the individual, as they explore the  highest commercial potential within the submitted material.