Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Students! Here's your big break into the Bahamas Film Industry
Becoming a published “Stars In Paradise”reporter can change your life. Even as a volunteer freelance writer there’s no telling how far you can advance.
1.You can put it on a resume! This will demonstrate that you have a great command of the English language.
2.You will have the opportunity to build important relationships with other important people you will meet during interviews, press gatherings, parties and special events.
3.You will greatly improve your professional image at home and abroad. Future employers will find you far more attractive because of your new found status in the film entertainment industry.
4.It could be a training opportunity or entry level position of a new career. A prestigious “Stars In Paradise” reporter is a highly respected individual worldwide.
5.You can use your new found position to impress and attract new friends or loved ones, and when you start to make real money from your talent, you will have someone to share it with.
6.You will be instrumental in keeping an unbiased view of the development of the Bahamas’ film industry, and build a reputation that will make you a trusted voice in the eyes of savvy decision makers.
7.Whoever assumed you were just a lazy bum, sitting around the house all day, watching TV, wearing out the sofa, and eating all the food out of the refrigerator, will realize how much they had underestimated you.
If you live in the Bahamas, frequently attend film industry events in the Bahamas, or report on indigenous Bahamian film projects in progress anywhere in the world, this could be your opportunity to become a published “Stars In Paradise” reporter.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Everything you always wanted to know about Jefford Curre'and the start of the Bahamas Film Industry
About the book -
Marinated in well placed side splitting humor, as only Jefford Curre' can do. "JEFFORD CURRE' CIVILIAN ENGAGEMENT" is an adventurous story that will help you realize that dark moments don't last forever. It will hurt. It can even kill you if you don't change your perspective. More importantly is the fact that if it doesn't kill you, it will always lead you to a higher place and that includes work, play, business and relationships. This book episode is loaded with heroes just like you, who struggled and made impossible dreams come true.
Steamy, stylish, risky and compelling. “Jefford Curre' Civilian Engagement” has been praised for highlighting one of the most intriguing chapters in the making of modern cinema history. It's bold, and determine, with an out of the box approach that's not even trying to be like anything you've read before. Venture behind the scenes of a never before told story. Ride along with the Bahamas biggest and most popular action figure. From the nerve dangling pioneering missions of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, follow through to his ground breaking invention of the Bahamas Film Industry. Be apart of the action as he braves the rugged and treacherous frontiers of off-shore politics, sex, banking and religion. Find out how this box-office genius changed the game and financially engineered the rise of the Bahamian indigenous movie making movement.
(This book does not attempt to give any professional advice. Though the story is true, it's intended for entertainment purposes only, and should not be the basis of any decisions.)
About -
Before entering the movie business, the elusive Jefford Curre’ lived a very dangerous life, managing multi-million dollar temptations. Like a “Bond style” bounty hunter, running real life intervention missions for the Bahamas government, he spent more than 5-1/2 years at the center of non-stop classified action. He has more than 37 missions to his credit. Jefford Curre' was raised under monk style conditions by strict, but loving Christian parents on the 7 by 21 mile island of New Providence, Nassau Bahamas. At the age of eighteen he was discreetly recruited to the frontlines of law enforcement. Almost without warning he found himself catapulted into a culture where the take down of murderous drug criminals, sophisticated money launderers, virtuous hot women and disgruntled weapons experts were the order of an average day.
At the age of four his box office journey began while out to the shopping center with his mother. It was the first time he had seen a moving picture. He was so intrigued by the fun the little people were having inside the T.V. set, he ran around the back of the big T.V. to see if he could get inside. After inquiring, his mother told him that they were movie stars and movie stars don't go to heaven. His family was a part of a strict religious order who in time had modernize their views toward cinema and became one of his greatest supporters.
It's ironic that Jefford Curre' would end up as the pioneer of the Bahamas Film Industry. Before his first trip to America, as a young adult, pursuing film studies, he had not even set foot inside a movie theater. In 1994, the Bahamas was a nation trapped in the success of a volatile tourist trade. The thought of indigenous people operating their own movie company was laughable. Jefford Curre' saw the vision of the future and a need for his people to rise toward real economic prosperity. He requested his parents to grant him his share of the family's inheritance in advance.
In 1991 he set up Megavision Pictures, a movie industry research and development office in Guanahani Village, Nassau Bahamas. The huge sign board on the wall indicated that a new way of entrepreneurial thinking was brewing among the locals. By the summer of 1994, with the help of visionary resort operators, he incorporated Megavision Pictures Limited and moved his base onto Paradise Island, occupying two locations under closed studio conditions.
Like all pioneers his obstacles were endless. The bank demanded to hold the family's $80,000 property in order to give a mere $15,000 loan, which was a far cry from the original request of $30,000. Then they surprisingly stretched the loan distribution over a very long period, in small increments. It was an advanced predatory maneuver beyond the experience of the young entrepreneur. It created a dilemma that left him, minus the family's property and literally the clothes on his back. He was facing major embarrassment with a nervous wife in one arm and a crying baby in the other.
The Bahamas leading man of action was facing his darkest day in civilian life. It was a situation that should have destroyed him, but instead motivated his interest in the study of financial engineering. Employing savvy negotiation skills, it was not long before he was able to attract a network of innovative goal sharing partners to assist in the organization of the Megavision Kingdom Academy. An in-house home school that was designed especially to enable him to take the entire family on tours. Dirty diaper changes, production shoots, trail blazing mountain blizzards and often breakfast, lunch and dinner in completely different cities. These are the conditions that molded the office of Jefford Curre' into an unbeatable force in the new world of Box-office excitement. Later as the children grew beyond toddler stage, he redesigned the operation to equip entry level box-office entrepreneurs with the skills and perspective needed to avoid or overcome financial challenges and succeed at navigating full-time careers.
Jefford Curre' changed the economic outlook of an entire nation and raise the bar of hope for many. It did not take long before everyone realized that making movies was something they could succeed at, all they needed was a full time commitment through hell or high water. An army of locals now storm the indigenous cinema landscape. Jefford Curre' ingenious box-office innovations has been featured in a wide variety of major publications including the Wall Street Journal ( ), Stars in Paradise and USA Today.
The phenomenal success of this youngster, who emerged from a skinny nerd, living on a dead end street, will change almost everything you thought you knew about how to succeed in the entertainment business. Most importantly, his tenacity inspired struggling filmmakers around the world to realize their untapped power. His unstoppable momentum against incredible odds enabled Bahamians to realize for the first time that there was something they could succeed at without limitations. Jefford Curre' became the one to watch and a vivid example of the fact that they did not need a wealthy family, religious prestige, tight government connections or an impressive social status, in order to be a full time success in the Bahamas new number one industry.
As a big advocate of honor, respect and allegiance, he holds the Bahamas Movie Industry Distinguished Medal of Honour. He's also the first inductee into the Bahamas Movie Hall of Fame. Jefford Curre' is an artist beyond compare and a powerful inspiration to anyone who struggles to make impossible dreams come true. He lives between homes in the Bahamas and Los Angeles, when not on tour at least 200 dates a year. He is often accompanied by his wife, Darlene and two daughters Danielle and RiQashan. They are all successful full time box-office entrepreneurs in the global scope of the fast growing spectacular cinema movement, now branded as the Bahamas Film Industry, ( Long before Bahamian film festivals, screen actors associations, film camps and cinema societies, there was Jefford Curre' forging the Bahamas indigenous movie landscape into being. From an original indigenous cinema point of view the Curre' family reigns as the Bahamas First Family of Cinema. They make up the core of a powerful indigenous international cinema group that's 7,000 strong and growing.
Note: If you were enlightened, inspired or simply enjoyed this short description, you will surely be thrilled and informed by reading the complete book. "Jefford Curre' Civilian Engagement" book is 186 pages, you don't need an e reader to read the book, you will get a PDF (1MB) file.
Jefford Curre' and the birth of the Bahamas movie industry
How It All Began
The call of an ingenious visionary to lead the forefront of a new era in cinema history, now known as the Bahamas movie industry.
Once upon a time, in a land not too far away called the Bahamas, there lived a little boy named Jefford Curre’. One day while out to the shopping center with his mother, he was intrigued by how much fun the little people were having inside the store T V set.Without hesitation he made his way to the back of the TV, to see if he could get inside.As he inquired about the little people, his mother explained that they were movie stars.His family was a part of a strict religious order and she wasted no time expounding that movie stars don’t go to Heaven.Missing out on a little milk and honey did not exactly concern Jefford, because the family’s refrigerator always had a great supply of milk.However, when his mother elaborated about the hell fire and brimstone, it almost scared the living day lights out of him. Jefford’s desire to be in the movies never left, but all desire to qualify himself as a movie star was no longer a burning issue.In his child like mind, he devised the perfect plan.He won’t be a movie star, he would just be a guy in the movies, pretending to be a movie star.Later on, as time went by, his parents had modernized their views on the world of movie making.
In 1990, Jefford Curre’ decided to follow up on an earlier vision that was downloaded to him on the necessity to kick-start an indigenous movie industry in the Bahamas.He requested his parents to grant him advance access to his share of the inherited family property, in order to use as collateral for a bank loan.While most of his peers were busy using their money to stay in the latest fashion, updated motor vehicles or build houses, Jefford Curre’s focus remained with a great degree of concern on the nerve dangling fact that his homeland was almost solely depending on tourism. He thought the nation was a sitting duck for an economic crisis, with little or no new industry of global proportion in sight. It did not look good, but it was obviously an issue few wanted to acknowledge as a potential problem. Driven by a sense of mission and destiny, Jefford Curre’ decided that it was time to take action to develop a solution, to buffer potential future crisis.
This story will continue tomorrow on starsinparadise
Full time superstardom in the Bahamas Film Industry
What does it take? that the nation's economic agenda could be in for a major remake, as local box-office entrepreneurs are seriously rethinking what may be outdated strategies and attitudes.
What does it really take to succeed full-time in the Bahamas film industry?
24 new Bahamas film industry movies in line for distribution by Megavision Pictures.
The action kicks off
with the global release of JEFFORD CURRE'
The story follows a top secret government agent who finds himself at the center of a global crisis. He's a high target for underground recruitment, and the top priority of an international manhunt. It’s a race against time and against all odds, as the Bahamas’ leading man of action battles to save the peaceful playground from total destruction.Sunday, December 27, 2015
What's your place in the Bahamas new number one industry?
In 1994, Stars In Paradise magazine made its local debut among the extensive press corp. that covered the courageous launch of Megavision Pictures series of opening events, under the creative direction of Jefford Curre'. This historical moment was the highlight of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce week and provided a portal to the next step in the Bahamas ' economic development.
Since that small beginning, Stars In Paradise has grown steadily with the Bahamas Film Industry and has become the most trusted source for Bahamas cinema trade information. Stars In Paradise is the Bahamas ’official film industry magazine. Count on us to be there, highlighting the people on the cutting edge of the Bahamas Film Industry.
This is the international premiere of "Stars In Paradise" We look forward to learning about your premieres, festival updates, reviews and deep probing interviews. Let us be the first to know about your movie making plans, progress and success. We at Stars In Paradise magazine understand your need to focus on the positive. We are committed to the Bahamas ' movie makers with a global perspective, and our commitment extends equally to manufacturers and educators, who are looking for opportunities to expand their market. That’s why Stars In Paradise magazine is the first choice of Hollywood ’s film executives.
With strong industry circulation and a reputation for building superstars, no magazine is better positioned to make a stronger impression on your target market. It is little
First run theatrical release are the focus of a wide catalog acquired by Megavision Pictures and Curre' Pictures.
Curre’ Pictures develops and produces a wide catalog of heart-warming dramas, as well as high impact adventure stories. These movies are first run theatrical release, set in the future, with visionary concepts and assumptions of the next step in civilization. Day to day issues of life, and challenging solutions, makes the Curre' Pictures line up a must-see big cinema experience.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
History of the Bahamas Film Industry timeline update
invites you to participate in the Bahamas Film Industry timeline update.
What is the Bahamas Film Industry timeline update?
The Bahamas Film Industry timeline update is an online information gathering process. It is open to the public to provide documented information on the accomplishments of Bahamians who rose to fame as a pioneer in the Bahamas Film Industry or as a contributor to the American Film Industry.
Many Bahamian pioneers in the film industry have been lost in time, others overlooked by the establishments of the past or simply had their importance ignored because of race, color, religious belief, social status, political affiliation, sexual view point or life management philosophy. As a result many are missing from the pages of conventional records. In continued celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Bahamas Film Industry, we are launching into the future by honoring the accomplishments of those that came before us, as well as the unsung heroes still among us.
If you know anyone who qualifies to be honored in the new official update of the Bahamas Film Industry timeline
now in progress, please recommend them by providing us with a brief documented account of their story in the comment section of
now in progress, please recommend them by providing us with a brief documented account of their story in the comment section of
Guide lines for participation in the Bahamas Film Industry timeline update.
1. Properly identify yourself with your contact, first and last name, email as well as a telephone
number in the event we need to follow up.
2. Your recommendation comments should be no more than seventy-five words or less.
3. Enter your recommendation comments with the headline that reads, example: “Recommending
John Doe” followed by documented information in the comment box at the bottom of, (files will be stored for review by the Bahamas Film Industry timeline
committee for timeline placement consideration).
Statement of integrity and governance of the Bahamas Film Industry timeline update is the official data entry point authorized to receive documented recommendations of Bahamians to be considered for inclusion in the Bahamas Film Industry timeline update. is not a platform for launching complaints, protest, personal attacks or engaging in chat fights or discussions. The platform is not designed to respond to inquiries. reserves the right to not process or discontinue processing of timeline posting at its discretion and for any reason, with or without prior notice. Being posted in the timeline is considered a well earned honorable privilege, not a right that’s enforceable. We invite the participation of everyone, as each entry will be received with respectful consideration and process without prejudice and at the highest level of professionalism. Thank you for your participation.
Bahamas film, movie & television leading publication
"Stars In Paradise".
"Stars In Paradise" magazine is the Bahamas leading movie industry business publication.
"Stars In Paradise" magazine is the Bahamas leading movie industry business publication.
It is highly focused and dedicated to keeping its readers up-dated on the latest developments as it relates to movie premiers, film festivals, productions, employment, internship, training, and investment opportunities in the Bahamas Film Industry.
Hot chicks and tough guys are flocking the curse-free, drug free Bahamas movie set

The Bahamas film industry has evolved as a royal culture of fun, frolic and discipline while making millions and attracting only the best from around the world.
Have you ever felt the urge to just drop everything and start living the life you know you were born to live? Well you are not alone and it may well be a clear sign that you may be forcing yourself to operate out of your element. It may simply not be your calling. Are you an entrepreneur, student, writer or career changing professional? Are you seriously looking for an opportunity to lighten up, reduce the mundane stress factor and have more fun while making a living? THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Keep it simple, fulfilling and profitable. If you are not in the mood for smoking, cursing, drinking, doing drugs and you don’t mind training with some of the hottest chicks and the coolest guys on the planet, we invite you to send in your resume or an introductory letter. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are or what you are doing. If you are ready to make a change, we would love to hear from you. There is a catch, you must be open for training or flexible enough to be re-trained into our success proven way of box-office career development. -
The Megavision Network repositions for power opening as the Bahamas film market embraces advantages.
The Megavision Network repositions for power opening and expanded network affiliates in USA, Canada, Asia, Bahamas and South America.
Plus, ''Stars In Paradise'' the all Bahamian movie channel carried on The Megavision Network is retooling with the hiring of a new executive team.
The Megavison Network moves within striking distance, as executives brace to out maneuver fierce competition in the global market place. The company will increase staff by 64% to better manage growth over the next 18 months.
Plus, ''Stars In Paradise'' the all Bahamian movie channel carried on The Megavision Network is retooling with the hiring of a new executive team.
The Megavison Network moves within striking distance, as executives brace to out maneuver fierce competition in the global market place. The company will increase staff by 64% to better manage growth over the next 18 months.
Friday, December 25, 2015
First round of development deals for movie-makers will be announced at Bahamas Film industry press conference.
How did JEFFORD CURRE' Paradise Intrigue
benefit from Megavision Pictures development start-up deal?

While most artists require a major PR campaign and millions of dollars each year to keep their career alive, for some strange reason, it seems that Jefford Curre’ is getting away with a whole lot less. According to a Megavision Pictures filed report issued in 2004, he’s not really getting away at all. He has paid his dues in personal sacrifices beyond your wildest dreams, and has clearly earned a right to succeed without compromise or apology. In the beginning Megavision Pictures spent an insane amount of money establishing his "key man" position. Apparently, they had little or no doubts about his ability to make it this far.
Today, he’s riding mostly on momentum, as the Bahamas indigenous movie industry approaches a whole new exciting phase. Jefford Curre’ is considered by many to be one of, if not the most influential figure in the game. The achievements of his near impossible missions have established him as a serious force to be reckoned with. But according to those that make up the core of his entourage, Jefford Curre’ is far from serious. He’s responsible, yes, but definitely not serious.
Coming in March 2013 Stars In Paradise magazine will have the first run exclusive access behind the scene and into the jet-setting lifestyle of the Bahamas leading man of action. It will be his first interview since the Wall Street Journal featured him in the article ''The Networking Game''. Keep up with Stars In Paradise daily, it's about to get hot.
Oh, we almost forgot Megavision Pictures has announced the projects that has made it into its first round of development for 2013. Stars In Paradise will be giving you the update daily as it unfold.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Everything you always wanted to know about Jefford Curre'and the start of the Bahamas Film Industry
About the book -
in well placed side splitting humor, as only Jefford Curre' can do.
adventurous story that will help you realize that dark moments don't
last forever. It will hurt. It can even kill you if you don't change
your perspective. More importantly is the fact that if it doesn't
kill you, it will always lead you to a higher place and that includes
work, play, business and relationships. This book episode is loaded
with heroes just like you, who struggled and made impossible dreams
come true.
stylish, risky and compelling. “Jefford Curre' Civilian Engagement”
has been praised for highlighting one of the most intriguing chapters
in the making of modern cinema history. It's bold, and determine,
with an out of the box approach that's not even trying to be like
anything you've read before. Venture behind the scenes of a never
before told story. Ride along with the Bahamas biggest and most
popular action figure. From the nerve dangling pioneering
missions of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, follow through to
his ground breaking invention of the Bahamas Film Industry. Be
apart of the action as he braves the rugged and treacherous
frontiers of off-shore politics, sex, banking and religion. Find out
how this box-office genius changed the game and financially
engineered the rise of the Bahamian indigenous movie making movement.
book does not attempt to give any professional advice. Though
the story is true, it's intended for entertainment purposes only, and
should not be the basis of any decisions.)
BUY NOW go to
the author - JEFFORD CURRE'
entering the movie business, the elusive Jefford Curre’ lived
a very dangerous life, managing multi-million dollar temptations.
Like a “Bond style” bounty hunter, running real life
intervention missions for the Bahamas government, he spent more than
5-1/2 years at the center of non-stop classified action. He has
more than 37 missions to his credit. Jefford Curre' was raised under
monk style conditions by strict, but loving Christian parents
on the 7 by 21 mile island of New Providence, Nassau Bahamas.
At the age of eighteen he was discreetly recruited to the
frontlines of law enforcement. Almost without warning he found
himself catapulted into a culture where the take down of murderous
drug criminals, sophisticated money launderers, virtuous hot women
and disgruntled weapons experts were the order of an average day.
At the age of four his box office journey began while out to the shopping center with his mother. It was the first time he had seen a moving picture. He was so intrigued by the fun the little people were having inside the T.V. set, he ran around the back of the big T.V. to see if he could get inside. After inquiring, his mother told him that they were movie stars and movie stars don't go to heaven. His family was a part of a strict religious order who in time had modernize their views toward cinema and became one of his greatest supporters.
ironic that Jefford Curre' would end up as the pioneer of the
Bahamas Film Industry. Before his first trip to America, as a
young adult, pursuing film studies, he had not even set foot inside a
movie theater. In 1994, the Bahamas was a nation trapped in the
success of a volatile tourist trade. The thought of indigenous people
operating their own movie company was laughable. Jefford Curre'
saw the vision of the future and a need for his people to rise toward
real economic prosperity. He requested his parents to grant him
his share of the family's inheritance in advance
In 1991 he set up Megavision Pictures, a movie industry research and development office in Guanahani Village, Nassau Bahamas. The huge sign board on the wall indicated that a new way of entrepreneurial thinking was brewing among the locals. By the summer of 1994, with the help of visionary resort operators, he incorporated Megavision Pictures Limited and moved his base onto Paradise Island, occupying two locations under closed studio conditions.
all pioneers his obstacles were endless. The bank demanded to hold
the family's $80,000 property in order to give a mere $15,000
loan, which was a far cry from the original request of $30,000. Then
they surprisingly stretched the loan distribution over a very long
period, in small increments. It was an advanced predatory
maneuver beyond the experience of the young entrepreneur. It created
a dilemma that left him, minus the family's property and literally
the clothes on his back. He was facing major embarrassment with
a nervous wife in one arm and a crying baby in the other.
The Bahamas leading man of action was facing his darkest day in civilian life. It was a situation that should have destroyed him, but instead motivated his interest in the study of financial engineering. Employing savvy negotiation skills, it was not long before he was able to attract a network of innovative goal sharing partners to assist in the organization of the Megavision Kingdom Academy. An in-house home school that was designed especially to enable him to take the entire family on tours. Dirty diaper changes, production shoots, trail blazing mountain blizzards and often breakfast, lunch and dinner in completely different cities. These are the conditions that molded the office of Jefford Curre' into an unbeatable force in the new world of Box-office excitement. Later as the children grew beyond toddler stage, he redesigned the operation to equip entry level box-office entrepreneurs with the skills and perspective needed to avoid or overcome financial challenges and succeed at navigating full-time careers.
Curre' changed the economic outlook of an entire nation and raise the
bar of hope for many. It did not take long before everyone realized
that making movies was something they could succeed at, all
they needed was a full time commitment through hell or high water.
An army of locals now storm the indigenous cinema landscape.
Jefford Curre' ingenious box-office innovations has been featured in
a wide variety of major publications including the Wall Street
Journal ( ),
Stars in Paradise and USA Today.
phenomenal success of this youngster, who emerged from a skinny nerd
living on a dead end street, will change almost everything you
thought you knew about how to succeed in the entertainment business.
Most importantly, his tenacity inspired struggling filmmakers
around the world to realize their untapped power. His unstoppable
momentum against incredible odds enabled Bahamians to realize
for the first time that there was something they could succeed at
without limitations. Jefford Curre' became the one to watch and
a vivid example of the fact that they did not need a wealthy family,
religious prestige, tight government connections or an impressive
social status, in order to be a full time success in the Bahamas new
number one industry.
a big advocate of honor, respect and allegiance he holds the Bahamas
Movie Industry Distinguished Medal of Honour. He's also the first
inductee into the Bahamas Movie Hall of Fame. Jefford Curre'
is an artist beyond compare and a powerful inspiration to anyone who
struggles to make impossible dreams come true. He lives between
homes in the Bahamas and Los Angeles, when not on tour at least 200
dates a year. He is often accompanied by his wife, Darlene and
two daughters Danielle and RiQashan. They are all successful full
time box-office entrepreneurs in the global scope of the fast growing
spectacular cinema movement, now branded as the Bahamas Film
Industry, ( Long before Bahamian
film festivals, screen actors associations, film camps and cinema
societies, there was Jefford Curre' forging the Bahamas indigenous
movie landscape into being. From an original indigenous cinema point
of view the Curre' family reigns as the Bahamas First Family of
Cinema. They make up the core of a powerful indigenous international
cinema group that's 7,000 strong and growing.
"Jefford Curre' Civilian Engagement" book is 186 pages,
you don't need an e reader to read the book, you will get a PDF
(1MB) file.
the exciting details in his new international bestseller ''Jefford
Curre' Civilian Engagement'' BUY
NOW go to
Monday, December 21, 2015
Paradise Intrigue. A worldwide thing.
The mystery unfolds

"Mystery man invited me to his water front house for a dinner talk. He always seemed to be ahead of the game when it came to making changes in the nation's intelligence agenda. He clearly saw an opportunity to achieve something that could not be accomplished even with 10,000 under cover operations."

"Mystery man invited me to his water front house for a dinner talk. He always seemed to be ahead of the game when it came to making changes in the nation's intelligence agenda. He clearly saw an opportunity to achieve something that could not be accomplished even with 10,000 under cover operations."
Bahamas Film Industry top seller breaks midnight madness sales record
Complete book download Only 99 cents!
The madness continues into cyber monday with a
limited amount of downloads before regular price returns.
Complete book download Only 99 cents!
The madness continues into cyber monday with a
limited amount of downloads before regular price returns.
Action hero of the Bahamas Film Industry tells incredible but well documented story.
Jefford Curre' stands tall
like a real life action hero.
Forging a high level of
sophistication and style, as he
empowers the strategic advancement of
the Bahamas Film Industry.

He continues to inspire an army of
Bahamian filmmakers with boldness
and creative innovation, but very little is known about the jet-setting indigenous power broker.
Well that's all about to change as
the Bahamas leading man of action
has finally inked the release agreement for the full disclosure version of his epic memoir.
It has been six years and five rejected versions of the book's manuscript before reaching a settlement with his Comasuki partners. The main issue that led to the delay was due to the fact that
Curre' is a Bahamian, a peculiar
bunch, that strives on privacy and
takes no pleasure in revealing personal,
or even worst steamy details.
There's a good chance you might be
tempted to change almost everything
you thought you knew about
this elusive man of action.
"Jefford Curre" book release
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Screen writing for the Bahamas Movie Industry
headlines the
Winter season tour
gets high poll ratings
as writers benefit from
movie development deals

Heavily inspired by the success of box-office superstar, Jefford Curre', the inventor of the Bahamas Film Industry, new writers want to make their dreams come true. Whether they are in the Bahamas, San Francisco or Japan, they want to make this happen with their names still on the writing credits on opening night. It's a wishful desire, but few may have the spiritual fortitude or industry connections to lead a convincing Hollywood battle. Writers want the ultimate recognition and career launch, that could derive from just one of their creative works. Keeping your name in the game, is the name of the game, however it is an extremely difficult thing to accomplish in today's box-office world, driven by name power. Labels with contractual obligations of a well stacked established writers roster, will always find it a better business decision to ignore the risky new comer. In the eyes of fast dividend seeking investors, an unknown writer would find it an easier task to locate a needle in a hay stack, than to expect priority consideration. So how exactly does a new writer get his/her name in lights? Well actually they don’t.
Actually that is not entirely true. The really creative unsigned writer can always figure out a way to use a search light or a candle to illuminate his/her name on the final draft. He/she can accomplish this best while sitting in a dark apartment with no electricity, but other than that, there have been very few options, if any. Before you start laughing at the poor little writing people, let us finish. Stars In Paradise have learned through the grape vines of Hollywood, that getting to keep your name on a manuscript is not just a poor unknown or unpublished writers problem. We have found out that even the established season unknown writers with money, family clout, government connections and beautiful faces can't break this almost impenetrable industry fraternity code. Lets try to remain positive and industrially honest when it comes to the success of screenplay manuscripts or books, it's all about who wrote it, not what it's about or how well it's written.
Is there a 21st. century solution to this age old problem? Keep up with Stars In Paradise magazine at We will bring you the latest patented innovations that were unveiled by Jefford Curre' at the 2012 Winter Season presentations of the Box-office Superstar Summit Tour.
headlines the
Winter season tour
gets high poll ratings
as writers benefit from
movie development deals

Heavily inspired by the success of box-office superstar, Jefford Curre', the inventor of the Bahamas Film Industry, new writers want to make their dreams come true. Whether they are in the Bahamas, San Francisco or Japan, they want to make this happen with their names still on the writing credits on opening night. It's a wishful desire, but few may have the spiritual fortitude or industry connections to lead a convincing Hollywood battle. Writers want the ultimate recognition and career launch, that could derive from just one of their creative works. Keeping your name in the game, is the name of the game, however it is an extremely difficult thing to accomplish in today's box-office world, driven by name power. Labels with contractual obligations of a well stacked established writers roster, will always find it a better business decision to ignore the risky new comer. In the eyes of fast dividend seeking investors, an unknown writer would find it an easier task to locate a needle in a hay stack, than to expect priority consideration. So how exactly does a new writer get his/her name in lights? Well actually they don’t.
Actually that is not entirely true. The really creative unsigned writer can always figure out a way to use a search light or a candle to illuminate his/her name on the final draft. He/she can accomplish this best while sitting in a dark apartment with no electricity, but other than that, there have been very few options, if any. Before you start laughing at the poor little writing people, let us finish. Stars In Paradise have learned through the grape vines of Hollywood, that getting to keep your name on a manuscript is not just a poor unknown or unpublished writers problem. We have found out that even the established season unknown writers with money, family clout, government connections and beautiful faces can't break this almost impenetrable industry fraternity code. Lets try to remain positive and industrially honest when it comes to the success of screenplay manuscripts or books, it's all about who wrote it, not what it's about or how well it's written.
Is there a 21st. century solution to this age old problem? Keep up with Stars In Paradise magazine at We will bring you the latest patented innovations that were unveiled by Jefford Curre' at the 2012 Winter Season presentations of the Box-office Superstar Summit Tour.
Who is reading Stars In Paradise?
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Movie acquisition executives with the power to make buying decisions.
Savvy professionals looking for entry level employment positions or investment opportunities in the Bahamas film industry.
Students looking for high merit internship and travel opportunities.
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Bahamas film, movie & television leading publication.
Stay ahead of the box-office game with
It is highly focused and dedicated to keeping its readers up-dated on the latest developments as it relates to movie premiers, film festivals, productions, employment, internship, training, and investment opportunities in the Bahamas Film Industry.
Box office players around the world count on "Stars In Paradise" magazine to stay ahead of the game and maximize return on their investments in the fast growing Bahamas movie market.
"Stars In Paradise".
"Stars In Paradise" magazine is the Bahamas leading movie industry business publication.It is highly focused and dedicated to keeping its readers up-dated on the latest developments as it relates to movie premiers, film festivals, productions, employment, internship, training, and investment opportunities in the Bahamas Film Industry.
Box office players around the world count on "Stars In Paradise" magazine to stay ahead of the game and maximize return on their investments in the fast growing Bahamas movie market.
Students! Here's your big break into the Bahamas Film Industry
Becoming a published “Stars In Paradise”reporter can change your life. Even as a volunteer freelance writer there’s no telling how far you can advance.
1.You can put it on a resume! This will demonstrate that you have a great command of the English language.
2.You will have the opportunity to build important relationships with other important people you will meet during interviews, press gatherings, parties and special events.
3.You will greatly improve your professional image at home and abroad. Future employers will find you far more attractive because of your new found status in the film entertainment industry.
4.It could be a training opportunity or entry level position of a new career. A prestigious “Stars In Paradise” reporter is a highly respected individual worldwide.
5.You can use your new found position to impress and attract new friends or loved ones, and when you start to make real money from your talent, you will have someone to share it with.
6.You will be instrumental in keeping an unbiased view of the development of the Bahamas’ film industry, and build a reputation that will make you a trusted voice in the eyes of savvy decision makers.
7.Whoever assumed you were just a lazy bum, sitting around the house all day, watching TV, wearing out the sofa, and eating all the food out of the refrigerator, will realize how much they had underestimated you.
If you live in the Bahamas, frequently attend film industry events in the Bahamas, or report on indigenous Bahamian film projects in progress anywhere in the world, this could be your opportunity to become a published “Stars In Paradise” reporter.
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