Saturday, August 3, 2013

Entering the Bahamas Film Industry as a writer.

Writing your first screenplay.

Go simple, learn fast. The tricks and the trade of successful Bahamian movie industry writers.


If you missed the opportunity to train at the Megavision Kingdom, there may still be hope for you. Stars In Paradise would like to share a few tips to get you started.

Pick a subject you know well. If you don’t know how to write, then that’s okay, you can just start writing your first draft the way you write, to get the story out of your head and onto paper, but it’s a good idea to take some writing classes so you can learn the standard format, so your script will make sense to others in the industry. The important thing is just to get started and push hard to a finish. -

Bahamas could get new T.V. channel

Stars In Paradise is set to launch new Bahamian channel on The Megavision Network.

Talks are on the way as Stars In Paradise (the Bahamas leading film industry magazine) makes ready to launch its first 24/7 channel. Powered by The Megavision Network, Stars In Paradise channel is expected to capitalize on a well established trail of excellence, as it will mainly focus on the work of the indigenous box-office entrepreneurs, while providing refreshing opportunities for savvy students, writers and career changing professionals.

The Megavision Network at is the product of ten years of breakthrough research and development, in the area of advance communication. With a finger on the pulse of global concerns and real time progress analysis, The Megavision Network is pushing the envelope in bringing attention to emerging business concepts with much success. The Megavision Network is driving the exploration of wide base, user friendly social media technology with a multiple satellite platform approach.

More news to come. Stay apart of the action, stay apart of new trends.

Check for cutting edge Bahamas film and television information that can keep you ahead of the game.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Who is reading Stars In Paradise?

Readers profile

Movie acquisition executives with the power to make buying decisions.

Savvy professionals looking for entry level employment positions or investment opportunities in the Bahamas film industry.

Students looking for high merit internship and travel opportunities.


Bahamas movie industry. A worldwide thing.

The expansion of Megavision Pictures and the rise of the Bahamas film industry.

Megavision Pictures has succeeded in improving the entry level protocol for box-office entrepreneurs. They have successfully engineered a level playing field that has positioned them to capitalize on the acquisition of key game changing infrastructures. With an open door invitation to more than 48 countries, Megavision Pictures industry power players could aggressively lead private sector funding of programs and initiatives that works well with local government, and the growing needs of box-office entrepreneurs.

Out of 86 proposals received over the past 24 months, only 20 have reached a point of consideration. Even fewer will make it to the finish line. All proposals are vigorously discussed and debated by Megavision Pictures review division. The grinding principle in their decision making process is to determine a core champion excellence that the company can support in the individual, as they explore the highest commercial potential within the submitted

Making it from script to screen and beyond in the Bahamas Film Industry

New development deals by
Megavision Pictures

Megavision Pictures has entered development deals with 15 box-office entrepreneurs in The Bahamas who are embracing a limited open window to take their story from manuscript to big screen. The major challenge among many is to make the transition to full time careers by the end of the year.

Young filmmakers move up faster at

Tips for up and coming filmmakers in the Bahamas or anywhere else.

 is making it easy for start ups to move ahead quickly, by pushing the limits of qualifications, accountability and credentials. Believe it or not you can get some meaningful movie experience just by watching a variety of different movies and paying close attention to things like lighting, the angles of shots, the type of music for certain scenes etc... . However, just watching movies won’t complete the package, find someone who is making movies consistently and talk your way onto the team, even if you have to start as a production assistant standing by to take care of small chores that pop up throughout the day. Even this could be a tough position to get into, but if you offer to work just for experience or deferred payment, more than likely you will beat out the competition.You could end up in a position which will ultimately lead to making money.

You can also utilize your local bookstore or library and read a book about film making, find one that can teach you all the technical things you need to know about film making. This Fall the will offer a wide range of opportunities for young movie makers that really mean business. They won't be free, then again nothing worthwhile ever is.-

Megavision Pictures. The gateway to success for the Bahamian film maker

Bahamian movie makers reload for success as they focus on Megavision Pictures.

Succeeding in the film business is like diving
from a skyscraper into a glass of water.
You must be highly focused, completely on target
and a little bit crazy.

Unless you have the time and money to waste,
it would be wise to work with people who understand your needs, as well as the market you are trying to reach. - it's understandable why the confidence of the Bahamas is in megavision pictures it's sustainable track record to survive as a business entity sets it apart from the pack. It is the most trusted Bahamas brand in the global film market. That trusted is extended from the prestigious corridors of hollywood studios to the power coated sidewalks of wall street. -