Making your film a reality
money is no object and you are well established you can make any kind
of movie on any subject matter and you can do it on any continent.
if you are just starting out, the best way to make your film a reality without spending a lot of money is to:
1. Base it around the things that you already have.
2.The environment you are in
3.The people around you.
example, don’t try writing a screenplay that has to take place aboard a
speeding yacht, unless you own one or can afford to rent or buy one. If
you don’t even know a friend who owns one, the film will never happen.
visualize your movie inside your head, shot by shot, cut by cut. Draw
out those shots on a storyboard. Next, you’ll need equipment, you don’t
have to spend a lot of money on a camera. Just ask a friend or someone
you know that has a camera, to borrow their own. Some film schools and
civic organizations offer year round training that includes equipment.
Finally, there’s post-production. When you have finished shooting your
movie, you need to find a good processor to develop your film. Sometimes
they give discount rates to students or low – budget productions.
Lastly, you will need to edit. After it’s changed to video format you
can use a video editing system like: Final cut pro or Avid to do your