Thursday, October 16, 2014

Action hero of the Bahamas Film Industry tells incredible but well documented story.

Jefford Curre' stands tall

like a real life action hero. 

Forging a high level of 

sophistication and style, as he 

empowers the strategic advancement of

the Bahamas Film Industry.

He continues to inspire an army of
Bahamian filmmakers with boldness
and creative innovation, but very little is known about the jet-setting indigenous power broker.
Well that's all about to change as
the Bahamas leading man of action
has finally inked the release agreement for the full disclosure version of his epic memoir.

It has been six years and five rejected versions of the book's manuscript before reaching a settlement with his Comasuki partners. The main issue that led to the delay was due to the fact that
Curre' is a Bahamian, a peculiar
bunch, that strives on privacy and
takes no pleasure in revealing personal,
or even worst steamy details.

There's a good chance you might be
tempted to change almost everything
you thought you knew about
this elusive man of action.
"Jefford Curre" book release
November 28, 2014.

Bahamas Film Industry could have a bestseller on the way.

Jefford Curre'
book release Nov 28th

Its an epic memoir on the Bahamas leading man of action.

You're history!

You're history! You may be in Bahamas movie history an don't even know it.

Keep up with Stars In Paradise magazine @

Who is reading Stars In Paradise?

Readers profile

Movie acquisition executives with the power to make buying decisions.

Savvy professionals looking for entry level employment positions or investment opportunities in the Bahamas film industry.

Students looking for high merit internship and travel opportunities.


Bahamas could get new T.V channel

Stars In Paradise is set to launch new Bahamian channel on The Megavision Network.

Talks are on the way as Stars In Paradise (the Bahamas leading film industry magazine) makes ready to launch its first 24/7 channel. Powered by The Megavision Network, Stars In Paradise channel is expected to capitalize on a well established trail of excellence, as it will mainly focus on the work of the indigenous box-office entrepreneurs, while providing refreshing opportunities for savvy students, writers and career changing professionals.

The Megavision Network at is the product of ten years of breakthrough research and development, in the area of advance communication. With a finger on the pulse of global concerns and real time progress analysis, The Megavision Network is pushing the envelope in bringing attention to emerging business concepts with much success. The Megavision Network is driving the exploration of wide base, user friendly social media technology with a multiple satellite platform approach.

More news to come. Stay apart of the action, stay apart of new trends.

Check for cutting edge Bahamas film and television information that can keep you ahead of the game.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Action hero of the Bahamas Film Industry tells incredible but well documented story.

Jefford Curre' stands tall

like a real life action hero. 

Forging a high level of 

sophistication and style, as he 

empowers the strategic advancement of

the Bahamas Film Industry.

He continues to inspire an army of
Bahamian filmmakers with boldness
and creative innovation, but very little is known about the jet-setting indigenous power broker.
Well that's all about to change as
the Bahamas leading man of action
has finally inked the release agreement for the full disclosure version of his epic memoir.

It has been six years and five rejected versions of the book's manuscript before reaching a settlement with his Comasuki partners. The main issue that led to the delay was due to the fact that
Curre' is a Bahamian, a peculiar
bunch, that strives on privacy and
takes no pleasure in revealing personal,
or even worst steamy details.

There's a good chance you might be
tempted to change almost everything
you thought you knew about
this elusive man of action.
"Jefford Curre" book release
November 28, 2014.

Bahamas Film Industry could have a bestseller on the way.

Jefford Curre'
book release Nov 28th

Its an epic memoir on the Bahamas leading man of action.