Bahamas Film Industry icon identifies with the challenges and triumphs that marks Black history Month
During this Black History month, Stars In Paradise will feature, an excerpt from "Jefford Curre' Epic Memoir". This month's daily segments will be taken from the chapter titled, "Civilian Engagement".
Civilian Engagement Excerpt No.17.
...........Contd. from excerpt No. 16. posted on February 21st
There was no law against intelligence, so we organized the most high powered intelligent campaign and applied it in full force. Within a short time, we had totally disorganized the enemy, cutting short their hopeful tentacles of organized crime, that could have had a grip on the Bahamas new number one industry. We decided that day, that the Bahamas Film Industry should be open to every Bahamian who has an interest and the aptitude for the movie industry. We believe that it should be the one thing that an individual could succeed at without having to be from a wealthy family, tight with government, or connected with any particular religious organization or political party.
Moviemakers stand in a class all by themselves, when it comes to telling palatable stories that would otherwise be overlooked, or ignored and that is a great responsibility. Over the years the Bahamas indigenous movie industry has become our most reliable crisis prevention stabilizer. It has proven to be a vehicle for free speech that no one is able to stop. This position has been maintained at a very high cost, and each and every pioneering box-office entrepreneur has paid their price in full, in one way or another. Indigenous movie making in the Bahamas will inevitably become the new pulpit. The impact on our social and moral conscience is now heavily influenced by the craftsmanship of skillful indigenous moviemakers, more than any other source.
We believe freedom of speech is one of the most important tools a citizen can have. Nothing personifies freedom of speech more vividly than the ability to tell stories through the art of movie making. It was our determination to not let the Bahamas budding, new number one industry be used just as a tool to enslave Bahamians. We did not think it should be an afterthought in an attempt to extend the tourist market. We believe that it should be addressed with royal respect, in a manner that would open the gate to a new world of opportunities for a wider demographics.
On this note, as we now enter the official archives of Black History Month, let it be known throughout the land from sea to sea, that the Bahamian filmmaker is positioned to bring healing and progress to his heritage more than any other entity that exist. Whether or not he/she chooses to embrace his/her position of honor, with integrity, would be clearly up to the individual. But to those who have grasped the vision, recognized their uniqueness and have stepped forward, I encourage you as you continue to grow by leaps and bounds and by the thousands. At the start of the Bahamas Film Industry in 1994, I said in my first press interview from the Megavision Pictures Paradise Island base, “We have been wisped as by magic and we’re standing now on the dawn of the Bahamas new number one industry. Today, I am much inspired by the success of the formation of an industry that should not have happened in the way it did, and as a result, I give my encouragement to all filmmakers. Don’t give up, always stand for what you know is right! Continue to move onward, forward, upward, and together.
This is the final excerpt from the “Civilian Engagement” chapter which was taken from “Jefford Curre’ Epic memoir”. Based on the number of visitors, we can tell that you have enjoyed this Black History Month special. Stay tune and keep up with