In 1994, Stars In Paradise magazine made its local debut among the extensive press corp. that covered the courageous launch of Megavision Pictures series of opening events, under the creative direction of Jefford Curre'. This historical moment was the highlight of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce week and provided a portal to the next step in the Bahamas' economic development.
Since that small beginning, Stars In Paradise has grown steadily with the Bahamas Film Industry and has become the most trusted source for Bahamas cinema trade information. Stars In Paradise is the Bahamas’official film industry magazine. Count on us to be there, highlighting the people on the cutting edge of the Bahamas Film Industry.
This is the international premiere of "Stars In Paradise" We look forward to learning about your premieres, festival updates, reviews and deep probing interviews. Let us be the first to know about your movie making plans, progress and success. We at Stars In Paradise magazine understand your need to focus on the positive. We are committed to the Bahamas' movie makers with a global perspective, and our commitment extends equally to manufacturers and educators, who are looking for opportunities to expand their market. That’s why Stars In Paradise magazine is the first choice of Hollywood’s film executives.
With strong industry circulation and a reputation for building superstars, no magazine is better positioned to make a stronger impression on your target market. It is little wonder why Stars In Paradise magazine is the Bahamas’ leading film industry publication.