Sunday, June 30, 2013

Young filmmakers move up faster at

Tips for up and coming filmmakers in the Bahamas or anywhere else.

 is making it easy for start ups to move ahead quickly, by pushing the limits of qualifications, accountability and credentials. Believe it or not you can get some meaningful movie experience just by watching a variety of different movies and paying close attention to things like lighting, the angles of shots, the type of music for certain scenes etc... . However, just watching movies won’t complete the package, find someone who is making movies consistently and talk your way onto the team, even if you have to start as a production assistant standing by to take care of small chores that pop up throughout the day. Even this could be a tough position to get into, but if you offer to work just for experience or deferred payment, more than likely you will beat out the competition.You could end up in a position which will ultimately lead to making money.

You can also utilize your local bookstore or library and read a book about film making, find one that can teach you all the technical things you need to know about film making. This Fall the will offer a wide range of opportunities for young movie makers that really mean business. They won't be free, then again nothing worthwhile ever is.-

First round of development deals for movie-makers will be announced at Bahamas Film industry press conference.

How did JEFFORD CURRE' Paradise Intrigue
benefit from Megavision Pictures development start-up deal?

While most artists require a major PR campaign and millions of dollars each year to keep their career alive, for some strange reason, it seems that Jefford Curre’ is getting away with a whole lot less. According to a Megavision Pictures filed report issued in 2004, he’s not really getting away at all. He has paid his dues in personal sacrifices beyond your wildest dreams, and has clearly earned a right to succeed without compromise or apology. In the beginning Megavision Pictures spent an insane amount of money establishing his "key man" position. Apparently, they had little or no doubts about his ability to make it this far.

Today, he’s riding mostly on momentum, as the Bahamas indigenous movie industry approaches a whole new exciting phase. Jefford Curre’ is considered by many to be one of, if not the most influential figure in the game. The achievements of his near impossible missions have established him as a serious force to be reckoned with. But according to those that make up the core of his entourage, Jefford Curre’ is far from serious. He’s responsible, yes, but definitely not serious.

Coming in March 2013 Stars In Paradise magazine will have the first run exclusive access behind the scene and into the jet-setting lifestyle of the Bahamas leading man of action. It will be his first interview since the Wall Street Journal featured him in the article ''The Networking Game''. Keep up with Stars In Paradise daily, it's about to get hot.

Oh, we almost forgot Megavision Pictures has announced the projects that has made it into its first round of development for 2013. Stars In Paradise will be giving you the update daily as it unfold.

Hot chicks and tough guys are flocking the curse-free, drug-free Bahamas movie set.

The Bahamas film industry has evolved as a royal culture of fun, frolic and discipline while making millions and attracting only the best from around the world.
Have you ever felt the urge to just drop everything and start living the life you know you were born to live? Well you are not alone and it may well be a clear sign that you may be forcing yourself to operate out of your element. It may simply not be your calling. Are you an entrepreneur, student, writer or career changing professional? Are you seriously looking for an opportunity to lighten up, reduce the mundane stress factor and have more fun while making a living? THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Keep it simple, fulfilling and profitable. If you are not in the mood for smoking, cursing, drinking, doing drugs and you don’t mind training with some of the hottest chicks and the coolest guys on the planet, we invite you to send in your resume or an introductory letter. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are or what you are doing. If you are ready to make a change, we would love to hear from you. There is a catch, you must be open for training or flexible enough to be re-trained into our success proven way of box-office career development. -

Cutting the cost of reaching the world

"Comasuki" extends its distribution deal with "Megavision Pictures" in order to better serve new market interest.

Full story in "Stars In Paradise" magazine.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Part 1 Million dollar secrets of the Bahamas Film Industry

Guarded Secrets of
“Made For Movie” Money

If you are new in the film/entertainment business, your biggest problem will be finding finances for your film.  Though there are many options you can take, more than likely you may only be aware of a few.  Such as:  applying for grants, borrowing money from banks, relatives or friends.  These channels very often do not work out for the artist in the long run, but it is a quick way to get into the game.

The best way to finance a film is in an investment consortium, under the guidance of a mentor, who by the way can be very instrumental in helping you to acquire your own money eventually.  Oh, did I say the taboo controlling word, "mentor"?  Yes, mentor.  Mentor in this day and age?  Yes, a mentor is someone who activates the humility within you that creates an atmosphere for learning or connecting to a higher level.  This person is usually someone you wish to be like and someone secure enough  not to worry about the possibility of you succeeding beyond him or her, should fate have it to be.  The truth of the matter is, if the relationship is  structured properly neither parties would have to be concerned about ending up in an odd or seemingly strained relationship position. Your success will automatically lead to further success for your mentor as it is the law of nature. Extremely successful people working in the Bahamas Film Industry all understand this concept and benefit greatly from it.

For more on how this relationship is structured stay tuned to

Students! Here's your big break into the Bahamas Film Industry

Here's your big break! Now all you have to do is blow it!

Becoming a published “Stars In Paradise”reporter can change your life. Even as a volunteer freelance writer there’s no telling how far you can advance.

1.You can put it on a resume! This will demonstrate that you have a great command of the English language.

2.You will have the opportunity to build important relationships with other important people you will meet during interviews, press gatherings, parties and special events.

3.You will greatly improve your professional image at home and abroad. Future employers will find you far more attractive because of your new found status in the film entertainment industry.

4.It could be a training opportunity or entry level position of a new career. A prestigious “Stars In Paradise” reporter is a highly respected individual worldwide.

5.You can use your new found position to impress and attract new friends or loved ones, and when you start to make real money from your talent, you will have someone to share it with.

6.You will be instrumental in keeping an unbiased view of the development of the Bahamas’ film industry, and build a reputation that will make you a trusted voice in the eyes of savvy decision makers.

7.Whoever assumed you were just a lazy bum, sitting around the house all day, watching TV, wearing out the sofa, and eating all the food out of the refrigerator, will realize how much they had underestimated you.

If you live in the Bahamas, frequently attend film industry events in the Bahamas, or report on indigenous Bahamian film projects in progress anywhere in the world, this could be your opportunity to become a published “Stars In Paradise” reporter.

First round of development deals for movie-makers will be announced at Bahamas Film industry press conference.

How did JEFFORD CURRE' Paradise Intrigue
benefit from Megavision Pictures development start-up deal?

While most artists require a major PR campaign and millions of dollars each year to keep their career alive, for some strange reason, it seems that Jefford Curre’ is getting away with a whole lot less. According to a Megavision Pictures filed report issued in 2004, he’s not really getting away at all. He has paid his dues in personal sacrifices beyond your wildest dreams, and has clearly earned a right to succeed without compromise or apology. In the beginning Megavision Pictures spent an insane amount of money establishing his "key man" position. Apparently, they had little or no doubts about his ability to make it this far.

Today, he’s riding mostly on momentum, as the Bahamas indigenous movie industry approaches a whole new exciting phase. Jefford Curre’ is considered by many to be one of, if not the most influential figure in the game. The achievements of his near impossible missions have established him as a serious force to be reckoned with. But according to those that make up the core of his entourage, Jefford Curre’ is far from serious. He’s responsible, yes, but definitely not serious.

Coming in March 2013 Stars In Paradise magazine will have the first run exclusive access behind the scene and into the jet-setting lifestyle of the Bahamas leading man of action. It will be his first interview since the Wall Street Journal featured him in the article ''The Networking Game''. Keep up with Stars In Paradise daily, it's about to get hot.

Oh, we almost forgot Megavision Pictures has announced the projects that has made it into its first round of development for 2013. Stars In Paradise will be giving you the update daily as it unfold.