Thursday, January 30, 2014

Bahamas film industry. A 20th anniversary milestone in movie making


Thanks to Jefford Curre', Megavision Pictures and a film friendly government, the Bahamas is fast becoming a vibrant metropolis for a new breed of jet-setting moviemakers.

Recent surveys have indicated that the overwhelming influx of modern day fortune seekers, could care less for pirate treasures or the beauty of the location. They are lured mainly by a rare window of opportunity, to forge stronger relationships with the growing number of highly successful, globetrotting, indigenous power brokers. These individuals operate the many franchises of the Megavision Pictures empire. Consistently on the go, they move with confidence around the world, creating blockbusters, while firmly in control of their own time and money.

Under the creative direction of box-office superstar, owner, Jefford Curre', Megavision Pictures exhibits a clear and decisive model of 21st century leadership. As the company assumes its position as a world-class brand, it continues to focus on highly motivated students and career changing professionals. Megavision Pictures is bringing new meaning to the phrase “The world’s a stage and all are actors". Impressively surviving almost two decades of the Bahamas’ cinematic dark ages, Megavision Pictures has emerged onto the international scene as a beacon of brilliance, with a show of incredible strength, rising even beyond the fog of a worldwide recession.

As the new era in global cinema unfolds, few, if any have a better understanding of the competitive landscape than Megavision Pictures. Embracing a bilingual work culture, Megavision Pictures is wired to ride the storm of future transitions. Resourceful growth planning, calculated risk management and green orientated operational procedures, have given Megavision Pictures the highest prospect for continued growth.

The ingenious innovations of Megavision Pictures have enabled the Bahamas' first movie, “Paradise Intrigue" to remain the most economically viable, indigenous movie in the Bahamas film industry today. It has captured both the attention, as well as commanded the respect of even the most hardened critics.

Produced under top-secret conditions and against tremendous odds, puts this movie into a class all by itself. No longer the Bahamas' best kept secret, Megavision Pictures is now a world-wide thing, making its mark on global culture, without compromise or apology. From Wall Street to Hollywood, the word is out, Megavision Pictures is now officially in the box-office leaders' line-up.

LABELS: Megavision Pictures, Curre' Pictures, Comasuki, Anafu Pictures, Bossic Pictures, The Megavision Network Films and Homecrowd International.

Bahamas film industry expands its global movie market advantage with new Megavision Pictures limited comasuki deal - Stars in paradise news report

Comasuki is the leader in original psychological dramas, exploring the many aspects of human nature. Pushing the limits to stay clear of formula scripts, you'll connect with these movies in a real way, with the added thrill of not being able to predict the outcome.

101 directing tips for filmmakers - Bahamas film industry.

5 directing tips for award winning moviemakers - Bahamas film industry.

It’s ironic that Jefford Curre’ has emerged as one of, if not the most influential figures in the Bahamas film industry.  Considering the facts that before he began his first series of movie production training trips into the USA as an adult, he had never even stepped foot inside a movie theater. Of cause there are movie theaters in the Bahamas but that had nothing to do with Jefford's development toward his destiny. He was a shy boy who grew up under monk style conditions in a strict Christian home, and was not even allowed to venture outside the boundaries of his back yard.  His friends, however, were allowed to come in to play and sometimes needed to borrow money.  Jefford never spent his allowance, except for occasionally buying gifts for his mother.  He kept a loaded piggy bank from which he made small loans to his friends, but there was one problem, he seldom got paid back.  To solve the escalating problem, the thrifty 10 year old negotiated what could be considered his first pay-per-view distribution deal that was a sure win-win.  For on quarter, his friends, who were allowed to attend the movies, would gladly re-enact the entire movie that they had seen.  For an extra ten cents, they would even add music and sound effects with their mouth, leaving the rest to Jefford’s imagination. 

The cinema that took place in the sand pile went great until one day, while the boys were climbing the wall to demonstrate an ambush scene.  Suddenly the newly built, fresh cemented walls started to shake,  too many boys were on the wall.  He tried to warn them, but things got out of control.   After a leap, the entire top section of the wall came tumbling down.  Everyone ran out of the yard as fast as they could.  With the help of two friends, Jefford put the wall together piece by piece, using mud to cover the cracks.  It was a great  prop work, but did not survive the slamming of the gate that evening when his father came home.  That evening, after a few dozen lashes on his bare bottom, he realized how difficult directing could be.  He learned some very important directing lessons. Directing lesson no. 1.  You are responsible for any and all out come,   Directing lesson no. 2.  Don’t work with people who don’t take directions or you can’t control.  Directing lesson no.  3. If something goes wrong be prepared, you'll take a good licking but don't stop tickin.  Directing lesson no. 4. Always have at least two friends you can trust, who won't run when the going gets rough. Directing lesson no. 5. Remember there is an opportunity in every problem, find it and keep moving toward the goal.

Who is reading Stars In Paradise?

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Movie acquisition executives with the power to make buying decisions.

Savvy professionals looking for entry level employment positions or investment opportunities in the Bahamas film industry.

Students looking for high merit internship and travel opportunities.


Jefford Curre' and the birth of the Bahamas movie industry

How It All Began

The call of an ingenious visionary to lead the forefront of a new era in cinema history, now known as the Bahamas movie industry.

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away called the Bahamas, there lived a little boy named Jefford Curre’. One day while out to the shopping center with his mother, he was intrigued by how much fun the little people were having inside the store T V set.Without hesitation he made his way to the back of the TV, to see if he could get inside.As he inquired about the little people, his mother explained that they were movie stars.His family was a part of a strict religious order and she wasted no time expounding that movie stars don’t go to Heaven.Missing out on a little milk and honey did not exactly concern Jefford, because the family’s refrigerator always had a great supply of milk.However, when his mother elaborated about the hell fire and brimstone, it almost scared the living day lights out of him. Jefford’s desire to be in the movies never left, but all desire to qualify himself as a movie star was no longer a burning issue.In his child like mind, he devised the perfect plan.He won’t be a movie star, he would just be a guy in the movies, pretending to be a movie star.Later on, as time went by, his parents had modernized their views on the world of movie making.

In 1990, Jefford Curre’ decided to follow up on an earlier vision that was downloaded to him on the necessity to kick-start an indigenous movie industry in the Bahamas.He requested his parents to grant him advance access to his share of the inherited family property, in order to use as collateral for a bank loan.While most of his peers were busy using their money to stay in the latest fashion, updated motor vehicles or build houses, Jefford Curre’s focus remained with a great degree of concern on the nerve dangling fact that his homeland was almost solely depending on tourism.He thought the nation was a sitting duck for an economic crisis, with little or no new industry of global proportion in sight. It did not look good, but it was obviously an issue few wanted to acknowledge as a potential problem.Driven by a sense of mission and destiny, Jefford Curre’ decided that it was time to take action to develop a solution, to buffer potential future crisis.

This story will continue tomorrow on starsinparadise

New Bahamas film industry lineup for Megavision Pictures. Bossic Pictures adds to a growing movie market.

Bossic Pictures enters the game movie market, with a vengeance and a program line up that is violently claiming turf and leaving no prisoners behind. Rich and explicit, Bossic Pictures productions is recommended for a mature audience, but can be enjoyed by the whole family, with permission from the head of the household.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

24 new Bahamas film industry movies in line for distribution by Megavision Pictures.

The action kicks off 

with the global release of JEFFORD CURRE' 


The story follows a top secret government agent who finds himself at the center of a global crisis. He's a high target for underground recruitment, and the top priority of an international manhunt. It’s a race against time and against all odds, as the Bahamas’ leading man of action battles to save the peaceful playground from total destruction.