PEMA DORJEE has so many people depending on him in ARUNACHAL PRADESH, a remote region of HIMALAYAN, INDIA. He must rely heavily on the support of those who know how important it is to make impossible dreams come true. In addition to growing responsibilities to keep the nation's youths on track, the purchase and installation of thousands of modern stoves remains a top priority. There is an urgent drive to continue replacing toxic, out dated cooking arrangements that is causing large scale blindness among children under five. Toxic fumes in houses with poor ventilation are the cause of dozens of chronic illnesses and even death. Standing in the gap with compassion and a measurable plan to deminish the human suffering is Pema Dorjee a Buddhist monk with a life committed to the cause of helping the impoverished and doing so at a tremendous sacrifice. PEMA DORJEE is a nominee for the prestigious ''JEFFORD CURRE' DISTINGUISHED MEDAL OF HONOR'' More on this important story coming up on starsinparadise.com

Plus:LINC SCAVELLA celebrates his 50th ANNIVERSARY in showbiz with ground breaking plans for a network of playgrounds that could revolutionize childhood education in the BAHAMAS.
In other tour news:
JEFFORD CURRE' Bahamas leading man of action lends his superstar charisma to steer the crowd toward ''COMPASSION FOR HAITI.''
JEFFORD CURRE' at his best along with an amazing team of professionals as crowds flock toward ''COMPASSION FOR HAITI''. A Compassion International virtual reality hit presentation at Soulfest. Dozens of orphans that face a life of poverty and misdirection were adopted on the spot by a highly enthusiastic audience of sponsors.
Before entering the movie business, the elusive Jefford Curre’ lived a very dangerous life. He found himself managing multi-million dollar temptations, in the deadly intervention of major narcotics smuggling operations that traffic through the outer limits of the Bahamas. Like a “Bond style” bounty hunter, running real life intervention missions for the Bahamas government, he spent more than 5-1/2 years at the center of non-stop classified action. As a highly trusted direct entry specialist he has more than 37 off the record missions to his credit. Jefford Curre' was raised under monk style conditions by strict, but loving Christian parents on the 7 by 21 mile island of New Providence, Nassau Bahamas. At the age of eighteen he was discreetly recruited to the front lines of law enforcement and catapulted into a culture where the take down of murderous drug criminals, sophisticated money launderers, virtuous hot women and disgruntled weapons experts were the order of an average day.
It was during these times that he first came to fully understand the true measure of the Haitian dilemma. It was a measure that added to an already over the top national crisis. It is said that crisis is an opportunity turn inside out. For the Curre' family it was the Haitian crisis that created a major test to respond with Godly integrity. It was a crisis that transformed an ordinary Bahamian family into heroes, through an act that continues to multiply in return blessings. For many onlookers Haiti's problems are overwhelming, but mostly fueled by the attitudes of an old generation who are basically set in their ways and difficult to change. Emitting infectious enthusiasm, Jefford encourages us all to focus on the children and change the future, by positively impacting their lives through adoption sponsorship. In his latest interview with Stars In Paradise magazine the man who invented the Bahamas film industry and financially engineered the rise of the indigenous Bahamian movie making movement, shares the core secret to living a fulfilled life. ''TAKE THE FOCUS OF SELF FOR A WHILE", he says ''AND FIND A HURT THAT YOU CAN HEAL. YOU'LL DISCOVER THAT WHEN YOU'RE BUSY HELPING ANOTHER, YOUR OWN HURT GOES AWAY."
Jefford Curre' shares a never before told incredible, but well documented true story of high risk acts of compassion for Haitians, in the midst of their most turbulent times. Read all about it in his new international bestseller "JEFFORD CURRE' CIVILIAN ENGAGEMENT''.
Go to comasuki.com
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