Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bahamas could get new T.V channel

Stars In Paradise is set to launch new Bahamian channel on The Megavision Network.

Talks are on the way as Stars In Paradise (the Bahamas leading film industry magazine) makes ready to launch its first 24/7 channel. Powered by The Megavision Network, Stars In Paradise channel is expected to capitalize on a well established trail of excellence, as it will mainly focus on the work of the indigenous box-office entrepreneurs, while providing refreshing opportunities for savvy students, writers and career changing professionals.

The Megavision Network at megnettv.com is the product of ten years of breakthrough research and development, in the area of advance communication. With a finger on the pulse of global concerns and real time progress analysis, The Megavision Network is pushing the envelope in bringing attention to emerging business concepts with much success. The Megavision Network is driving the exploration of wide base, user friendly social media technology with a multiple satellite platform approach.

More news to come. Stay apart of the action, stay apart of new trends.

Check Starsinparadise.com for cutting edge Bahamas film and television information that can keep you ahead of the game.

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