Saturday, February 7, 2015

3. Bahamas Film Industry, gateway to the world of blockbuster movies.

Jefford Curre' , Bahamas Film Industry Icon

Excerpt from "Jefford Curre' Epic Memoir".  This month's daily segments will be taken from the chapter titled, "Civilian Engagement".

Civilian Engagement  Excerpt No. 3.
...........Contd. from excerpt No. 2. posted on march 2nd 

It was almost pointless trying to explain anything.  

Upon arrival we hung out at my brother Erskine's news studio in Cable Beach.  After much negotiation, I landed an office space in the Guanahani Village resort.  The property was owned and ran by the Myster family.  Originally from Germany they had acquired and built several operations in the Bahamas.  The Mysters' are a very nice family who made it as reasonable as possible for me to lock down my first movie office.  

While in the midst of structuring a huge line up of movie deals, my office was frequent by locals who were seeking entry level advice for the new industry, that was clearly in formation.  It was almost like a museum atmosphere, as the local wanna-be filmmakers started dropping by.  The pressure was on, to put my vision or fact to the test as to whether or not this really was the next number one industry. 

I remember one particular fellow who made several trips to my new Megavision Pictures office.  We talked at length, he was very polite and had very good manners.  In respect for him, as a child of God I won't call his name without his permission.  He said to me, "Do you really think that  movie making will be the Bahamas next number one industry?"  I said, "Absolutely, beyond all shadow of a doubt."  I told him that he had an opportunity to get in on the ground level, if he got started right away.  I also told him that he would be a big man some day.  He said, "Thank you" and dashed out of the office.

The next day he came back with his mother, a rather young looking pleasant and beautiful person. We sat in my office, and after a long and reassuring conversation, they decided that he would be off to film school.  The last thing he said to me was "I hope I could get a job with you fellows when I get back."  Right now he's doing so well he doesn't need a job with us or anyone else, he's running his own show and I am so happy for him.  As he was leaving I said to him, humorously, "Don't forget to sign the visitor's book, because 20 years from now be continued

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